Monday, 13 January 2025

A Game of Swoop

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Sometime during the night I came up with a bug in my stomach.  There were about 10 of us that went out for supper last night so it wasn't from that, because I was the only one that felt rough.  It is not a flue or anything but my stomach rumbled most of the night, enough to keep me awake.  So I wasn't much good for anything today, and because there was nothing really pressing, I spent most of the day in bed just being lazy.  My stomach was much better by mid afternoon and I was back to normal, but by then I was much to lazy to do anything.  About 4 pm a big ole card game started up, so I kicked my sorry butt out of bed to play with them.  We played swoop, and guess what?   I didn't win.  It was fun though.  We played right through sunset before everyone retired to our homes for supper and the evening.  Lets try this all again tomorrow.  Good Nite!!

Today's weather

Partly sunny. 25 / 14 °C
Humidity: 61%. Wind: 3 mph  from Northeast

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