Monday 25 March 2024

Repairs for the Jeep

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

The kids have found the orange juice lady at the end of the street.  Each morning they walk down there and get all sorts of morning drink delights.  

Then they had to do laundry, so they borrowed the wagon.  Doesn't look like laundry in there at all!!!

Later in the morning when I walked by the Jeep, I noticed that there was oil running down the inside of the drivers rear tire. Oh oh, that looks like a wheel seal.  Sure hope it is not a bearing as well!!  So the kids and I headed down the street to the mechanico place with the intention of letting them look and then set up an appointment to fix it after they get the part.  The mechanic comes out and proceeds to tear everything apart and soon a guy arrives on a motorcycle with a little package and a new seal is installed.  All in about 2 hours.  We just sat in the Jeep and checked facebook!!   They sure have a different way of doing things here.  I kinda like it.  I got the same thing done at home last fall and it took about 3 days in the shop to do it.  The total bill here was 1200 pesos or about $90.00 Cnd.  

The afternoon involved lots of ocean time for the kids.  Its always fun to watch them in the waves.

Although Semana Santa is sneaking up on us, we have not noticed a big increase in people on the beach here.  I'm sure if you went to Guayabito's you would see lots though.

After supper we all headed down to the plaza to check out the action.   It is getting quite busy in the evenings down town now.  The kids like to play in the plaza and spray foam is a fun thing to buy.  Donovan got hit with it pretty bad.

I did take a minute to catch a sunset today.  I have been missing them lately.  Notice that it is setting pretty close to the island now.  It will set behind the island real soon and then it will be time to head north.  Good Nite!!

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