Tuesday 7 March 2023

A Memory of Our Son Derek.

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita, Mexico

Today Sheri sent me a picture that was taken in Alberta a few years ago when we were visiting out there.  After seeing it, I got to thinking that I have never really mentioned anything in my blogs of the tragic loss of our son Derek this past summer.  It was not because I didn't want to, but rather because I do not write my blog in the summer.  We all love to talk about him and when we see funny or nice pictures of him we share them back and forth.  He was the type of guy that left many happy memories for all of us.

Derek worked on the pipelines for years and was employed near Hope BC last summer.  He was out with his friends one evening and took a wrong turn on his motorbike in the dark and hit a rock wall and lost his life.  This day July 17, 2022 will be a day that none of us will ever forget, nor a day, the like of  which, we will never want to re-live!!  A piece of our hearts was ripped from us that day.  Like I said before, we all have nothing but great memories, because that is the kind of guy he was.   We love him very much!!

Maybe this summer I should post something maybe once a week even to keep everyone up to speed.  We do plan to do some camping and travelling so it would be a good way to record those things.  

After a long afternoon of doing not much, we decided to head downtown for a churro and maybe a frappe.  We started out at the churro stand and got our fill of fresh churro's.  They are soooo good!!

Last stop was El Cafecito.  We had some frappe's and a wee visit with Kenia and off to home we went.  Good Nite!!


  1. Derek was exactly three weeks younger than our daughter Lindsey. Glad you have such great memories.

    1. We do and we are enjoying you guys making memories with your family

  2. Ohhhh!
    We didn’t know about you’r son! Wich you keep good memories about him! We leave you our best thoughts! Yves and Johanne! 💕💕🙏🙏

    1. Thats why I did the little write up. Many times we do not have reason to tell people the story and so they never know. Thank you for your kind words. Hope to see you again soon.

  3. Thank you for sharing more of your son, Derek. What a tremendous loss but you know he's with you. ❤️💕

    1. We think of him every single day. He finds ways to make us smile.


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