Friday 12 January 2024

Pizza with Friends

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

Today I feel the need to send out a big thank you to everyone who takes a minute to comment on my stories.  I am not a great reply to your comment type person, but I do read every one of them.  It is very satisfying to know that I am providing a little entertainment and hopefully sometimes information to some people.  Some follow to see some things and places they may never experience, and others follow because they are RV friends and want to see where we are.  No matter who you are, I appreciate your loyalty.  And for you bloggers, rest assured that I read your posts faithfully, but once again, unless I have something funny or informative to say, I don't often comment.  Ok enough drivel!!

Our lives are a little bit boring right now.  That is a good thing!  I sometimes have to remind myself that we are not on a world excursion like our friends Kevin and Ruth who are wandering in many interesting places overseas.  We are not on some all inclusive vacation being pampered and fed and watered.  We are on our 4 month put our feet up, relax portion of our year.   Although it seems like boring stuff, there is always something to do.  
My daughter Sheri bought me a subscription to Storyworth.  It is a platform to write a life story, one week at a time for a year, and at the end of a year, they publish your input into a book form.  Mine is going to be a sort of biography of my life.  Sheri gets to present me with a different topic to write about each week and I send it to Storyworth when I'm done before Sunday.  I have always said that my kids don't know a lot of my younger years activities, nor do they know a lot about even my work years, other than I went to work and then came home (sometimes not often enough).  This will be my opportunity share those away times with them.  I'm excited to do this and I have finished 2 topics already.  The first was "Whats your favorite holiday tradition and where did it come from", and the second was "How is life different today from when you were a child".  I have had fun recounting some things from my past so far, but it takes some time to sit down and write.  Today I finished up my "homework" and set it off.  I will get a new one tomorrow.

After I got that done I had a couple chores to do.  Ken and I went downtown and I bought some electrical things to make our life easier.  First on is a switch to put on our outside lights.  Right now we have to go outside to plug and unplug our lights each night, so I installed a switch right by the door on the light cord which will make that task much easier.

The second was to put an end on a cord which we are going to use for an external fridge that Kenia is lending us.  More about that tomorrow. Pretty simple electrical but had to be done.

Around 5 we headed over to Blair and Joanne's for happy hour.  Sue did some techy things for Blair and we all just chatted for a while.  Their friends Michael and Denise joined us and we had a fun hour or so.

About 7 we all headed down the street to Lucy Pizza for supper.  This is a little local shop that has great pizza for a great price and tonight was his first night serving pizza this season.  Sue and I shared a shrimp and pineapple pizza which was delicious.  It was big enough to feed us both.  We both had a pop to go with it and it was a total of 300 pesos.  (22.00 CND)  With our bellies full we all headed our separate ways and hit the sack shortly after.  Good Nite!



  1. I’ve enjoyed reading your stories each week so far!!! I’m glad we’ve found a way to make your dream of some type of memoir a reality!!! Love you!!!

  2. I read your blog and enjoy it very much. Looking forward to seeing you guys in Feb. My sister got that Story thing from her kids last year and found as time went on it was more difficult to write

  3. I feel a little soggy from all that drivel! Lol.
    Such a handy fella. Cords, plugs, switches and you even write stories, a man for all seasons. lol
    Keep having fun!


  4. I read because you're on Al's sidebar. Before I clicked on you today, I did a Lorne Green search as I wondered if you were related to ole Ben Cartwright. Read about him to find you're not related, but also saw a Lorne Green politician and diplomat. He seemed like a better fit to be a relative, but the wikipedia page had no family info. If that IS the case, you have a lot to write about your past. Just wondering. Have more relaxing fun today!

    1. I do not come from any political, rich, or famous background. Just me, take it or leave it.

  5. I usually read you everyday and am looking forward to seeing where you guys hang out! After years of talking about coming down it will be fun to escape the cold snap here (think -33 c here this morning)
    Keep writing we enjoy it!


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