Monday 22 April 2024

Buffalo Bill and Anne Oakley

WHERE ARE WE?  McCook Nebraska

Sometimes I get to wondering if people view us as that little old couple that go down the highway looking around and slowing down traffic.  My dad used to do that and I must admit that there have been times when we see something interesting on the side of the road, that I look down and my speed has dropped by 20 kph.  Then I look in the mirror and realize that there is a small line up starting to form behind me.  It's real folks, and if you haven't done it, you will.  

Kansas and Nebraska are big cattle and milk producers along with many crops, some of which support the cattle.  We see lots of cattle roaming in the hills along the way, but every once in a while there will be a feedlot.  By feedlot, I mean cattle in pens for literally miles.  This particular one was at least 2 miles deep by 2 miles long.  Probably hundreds of thousands cattle housed there.  I can't imagine the work to keep them fed and clean.  There were 3 semi cattle haulers backed up to the chutes with a few more in waiting in the yard.  Lots of steaks there!

And lots of huge dairy farms.  Hard to get a picture when your driving because I tend to slow down and hold up traffic!!

The crops here are just getting a good start and there is lots of irrigation going on.  

We stopped in Oakley Kansas today which is the birthplace of Buffalo Bill Cody.  He and Anne Oakley are noted legends in this area.  Buffalo was a noted buffalo hunter, hence the name, and Anne Oakley was just a renegade!!!  The town has built a beautiful interpretive center with a big monument to Buffalo Bill.

Today was a short travel day and because the weather was fantastic, we picked a little city park in McCook to park in.  24C is the temperature we seek as we travel along and that is what we got today.  They obviously water the grass and it is lush and thick and soft.  Archie loved it after walking in grass with "stickers" in it for the last couple days.

A beautiful sunset in a very relaxing place.  We will see what tomorrow brings.  Good Nite!!


  1. I always enjoy seeing the old west, the characters and inventiveness of the times. I wonder what they would think of our modern, throw away society.
    Safe travels.


  2. Oh the aromatic joy of living by a feedlot (Wellton AZ). That grass is gorgeous.

  3. Annie Oakley is buried near Rossburg, Ohio. We visited her grave when we went to El Dora, Tony Stewarts dirt track for the races. I was surprised to find that out. Becky


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