Saturday 27 April 2024

Lincoln's 4th Birthday

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

It's a bit tough catching on to these seasonal temperatures.  It was like +6C when I got up this morning so I stayed in the MH soaking up the heat.  Archie didn't even have much of an appetite for going outside this morning either.  Max thought he might like to wear his Jets hat for a while to cheer him up!!

Today is our grandson Lincoln's 4th Birthday so we are going to his birthday party in Brandon.  Kaitlyn picked us up around noon and we headed into Brandon for a bit of shopping and lunch at Boston Pizza.  I always like to fiddle with things at the table while waiting for our meal and today I was trying to do the leaning salt shaker trick.  While I was trying unsuccessfully, Grace said "Hey gramps look!!"  She was watching me and managed to get the pepper shaker to lean!!  Good job Grace!

After that we headed over to Nikki's parents house for the Birthday party.  All the grandparents were there including Great Gramma!!   This was like the old folks party I guess.  A couple of aunties were there too which helped keep the average age in the room down.  

Lincoln got a garbage truck cake for his birthday. Nikki is sooo creative and even had garbage pouring out the back of the truck.  The cake tasted good too!!

Then back home and take Archie for a walk.  We sure enjoy our strolls by the lake.  This time of year it is peaceful here and the birds are all making their happy sounds.  Archie loves to just explore without anyone around to distract him.

Although we don't see much of a sunset from the Motorhome, here is what we get.  We had a good day and now its time to call it quits.  Good Nite!!


  1. That's the type of birthday parties we had...just the family. Awesome cake!

  2. Happy to see Lincoln enjoying his Birthday Party.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Love the cake! She is very creative! Happy Birthday Lincoln.
    Cute Archie, hard to tell when they're sad or just tired. ♥

  4. Happy Birthday Lincoln. A fabulous cake!
    The first few days of peace and quiet are soooooooo nice!, lol



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