Friday, 14 March 2025

Back to La Penita and Surprise Visit

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

After sleeping for about 3 hours on the bean bag bed, it was time to get up, grab a coffee and a breakfast sandwich and get ready for my final flight from Calgary to PV.  I don't do that well at that time of the morning but I did make it.  We are on a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner and it is pretty dreamy inside.  The lighting alone is awesome.  We will be just under 4 hours to PV this morning so will land about 12:30 pm.  

I had a little snooze and next thing I knew we were flying by Mazatlán.  That was quick. 

Because I was near the back there was no hurry to get up in the isle because there were 2 or 300 people ahead of us.  But lots of people do arise the minute the plane stops and they stand there forever.  

So down we went to the Aduana.  There were lots of people ahead of us but I remember being in this area when it didn't have all the empty area back there.  We were through there in under 15 minutes and on to customs where there was not delay either.  I estimated I was 20 minutes total before I got out into the general airport area.  Amazing!!

Ron and Lilly had hitched a ride with Susan so I got to say goodbye to them as they headed back to Edmonton for the summer.  See you next year.  They did a group picture before they left the park.

We headed for home so I could get a little beach time.  We were surprised when we heard some familiar voices outside and looked out to see Gord and Mavis there.  They came to visit their cousins Rick and Karen who are staying in Rincon Guayabitos.  We have been working on them to come and check out Mexico, and so far they said they love it.  Welcome guys!!  Hope we can do some stuff together.

After supper Sue and I headed downtown to say Hi to Kenya.  As usual she was quite busy.  I helped myself to my favourite treat now.  Peaches with sweet cream sauce.  Mmmmm.

And then it was home to watch a little Survivor.  I kinda missed watching it last week while I was up north.  

The sun is quickly moving toward the island.  When it starts setting behind the island it will be time to pack up and go home.  It's good to be back where it is warm.  Good Nite!!

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