Saturday, 8 March 2025

Getting Ready for my Annual Manitoba Trip

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Well this is the day that I have to have everything done so I can head off to cold wintery Manitoba.  Today only takes me to PV but it is a start.  First chore this morning was to make sure the pool was clean.  A good vacuuming and chemicals will keep it in good shape until I return.

Then I took the water bottles to be filled.  Max and Fany came with me and Max loves to help.

Then it was off to Puerta Vallarta to spend some time with Drew and Lena.

Drew and Lena have a lovely little rental near Costco that they are hanging out in until their new house deal is finalized.  We thank them for their hospitality and letting us crash there, because I have an early flight tomorrow.

We took Willie for a little walk in the park next to their house and Lena showed me this sign.  The Mexicans have a little problem with spelling sometimes.  They still get the message across.

Lena and Susan enjoyed just walking and chatting.

We headed out down the road to a nice little restaurant for supper.  On the way, we passed this RV park.  It looked kinda familiar!!!  I think Kevin and Ruth will recognize it.

We arrived at Tuna Azul just before sunset and had a lovely meal with lots of Mexican stuff and Sue and I shared a nice seafood pizza.  We took our time and chatted lots.

Then a nice little walk back to Drew and Lena's for a few games and off to bed.  Thanks for sharing your place with us.   Good Nite!!

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