Monday, 3 March 2025

Strange Fishing Tactics

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Had my coffee on the beach this morning and just relaxed.  Joel was here and cleaned up all the trees around the spot that Jon and Terry left vacant.  Kinda miss them!!!

Later in the afternoon we watched a young guy drag some tree branches and palm fronds down to the waters edge.  Then he pulled the small panga down there and after tying a rope and bag of sand to the branches, he loaded them up in the boat and took them out a ways and dumped the whole thing overboard.  I am told that the bait fish are attracted to the branches and somehow the fishermen go and catch them when lots have gathered.  Interesting.

Next thing you know it was sunset time again.  So the group gathered and the sun went down.  Notice how the sun is moving further across the ocean each day.

After supper some of us headed downtown to check out the 80's music.  Not that bad for a Mexican group.  They did have a guitar but the rest was canned music.  Lots of people still around and there is still 1 more day of Festival before the town gets back to normal.

After we had enough of all the excitement, I took the Angel home.  Good Nite!!!

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