Saturday, 1 March 2025

Friends Leave

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

We had to say goodbye to long time friends Jonathan and Terry as they left the park to start a new vacation spot in Lo de Marcos.  They actually live in Puerta Vallarta so the commute to their vacation spot won't be as long.  We hope to run into them a few times when we pass by on the way to PV.   There was no need for me to be around to help with the 3 point turn because Terry had it all figured out and was on the radio with Jon the whole time.  Good job Terry!!!

We did a little more relaxing and some Flyball this afternoon while we were waiting for the big events down town.  The Festival lasts until Tuesday and there is something different every night. I took a walk around the plaza and looked at a lot of the games and rides.  Most everything revolves around winning beer or tequila at the games.

Break a bottle win a beer

Throw a dart for a bottle of tequila

Even the white hairs like to play

This one was different.  Win a pail full of groceries

Throw a ball in a basket for pesos

Ring toss for US dollars

Lots of good food and rides as well.  But everything is loud, and I mean loud.  As you know I have an implanted defibrillator in my chest which is like a snuff can under my skin.  The bass on the music here makes it actually vibrate in my chest which scares me that it will set it off by accident.  It is a weird feeling to have it rattling away inside your chest.

A favourite treat is deep fried hot dog pieces and fries with lots of hot sauce.

Something I have not witnessed in the 6 years we have been here is the fountain lit up and water in it.  This year they got it going.  Nice!!

It was a little cloudy for a while this evening but believe me when I tell you that the sun did go down!! Good Nite!!

Today's weather

Passing clouds. 26 / 20 °C
Humidity: 81%. Wind: 6 mph  from West

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