Sunday, 16 March 2025

Birria Day Again

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Birria Day again.  It is getting to be a bit of a tradition.  Jeff, Fany, Max, Mary, Sue and I all walked down to Abuela's again this morning for Birria.  It was especially tasty today for some reason.  We really enjoyed it.  We only have 3 more Sundays to go I think.  

The young ones were heading up the hill to look at Jeff and Fany's new house so we bowed out.  My legs would not have done well with the hills.  Max decided to walk home with us so off we went.

Another quiet afternoon and sunset snuck up on us.  

We had supper with Ken and Rhonda at their suite and then played some cards until it was bed time. I think I lost.....AGAIN!!!    Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. Still enjoying your blogs and wonderful picture of you and Sue


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