Saturday, 22 March 2025

Beauties of a Red Tide

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

We had had a couple Amazon deliveries in the last couple of days.  People wonder about delivery times here in Mexico.  Sue ordered 3 packages on Thursday and the first one arrived on Friday with another one arriving today.  The 3rd one has not arrived yet.  So Amazon is alive and well in Mexico.  We try to order only things that are not readily available here in La Penita in order to support the local economy.

Both of us sort of went down the rabbit hole for a few hours today with Sue playing Mahjong and I got hooked on the Tim Hortons Word Game.  That took care of most of the afternoon.

Soon it was time for sunset again so I went and sat with my friends under the palapa!!

Actually Sue and Rhonda joined me after a while because I think they felt sorry for me.  

After a few weeks of quiet sky's, a paramotor buzzed by us today.  I always yearn to fly one of these as it looks so relaxing.  Maybe one day!!  Sunset was great again today.  Only about 16 more to go.  The sun is getting close to the island now!!

Supper was beef tonight.  I always marvel that they cut their beef with the grain instead of across the grain.  My friend Les Wedderburn is a rancher back home and he says that is the best way to ruin a good cut of beef.  Contrary to his and my opinions, this beef was tender and tasty.  Maybe Mexican beef works different!!

We were treated to a phenomenon that is sort of rare.  We had heard that the red tide is moving in but no one anticipated the light show we would get along with it after dark.  While the bioluminescent color almost resembles a neon light,  the glowing blue color is actually given off by a type marine plankton called dinoflagellates, which are currently in the midst of a major large algae bloom called “red tide,” because it makes the water look reddish during the day.  During the red tides, the algae releases bright blue light when jostled by waves crashing on the shore. We are very luck to have witnessed this. It was hard to believe that this was not a light reflecting but rather organisms reacting.  Good Nite!!


  1. Wow - very lucky & very beautiful. Thanks.

  2. Great photos! Thanks for sharing.


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