Sunday, 2 March 2025

Birria Day Again

WHERE ARE WE? Numero Uno RV Park, La Penita, Mexico

Sunday is birria day for me.  I was a bit late remembering this morning so I didn't get the invitation out to everyone.  Jeff was there when I was heading out the gate so he and Max joined me in my walk down to Abuelas.  I had Tacos Dorado de Birria which were amazing.  Now I have to wait another week to enjoy it again.

Back home and a little time by the water.  Some guy went by on a quad and he had put a seadoo body on it.   It looked quite funny but I don't think it floats.

We found out that there was supposed to be a horse parade today at 2 pm so we went down town to check it out.  Of course there was no parade until after 3 pm as per Mexican protocol.  The Mexicans take the lateness all in stride and just have another beer while the wait.  So thats what we did.

They said there were about 500 horses in the parade and I can believe that.  Some pretty nice looking steads prancing down the street.  Lots of dancing horses too.

We kinda got the horses ass of a seat but that was ok.   The tequila bottle got passed around and the girl on the horse took on a fair bit of the fire water.  

Fany thought the best part of the parade were the little yellow chicks they were selling on the street.  

We all went home for a little relaxation and some supper and then headed back down town for the evening action.  It was loud and hectic with lots of horses still around.  Lots of beer drinking and dancing horses as well.  

A different colour horse

gonna be a mess to clean up tomorrow

Kenia was quite busy tonight with all the people here for the horse show.  The new Cafecito II is working out quite well.  I made my own little treat.  3 peach halves with cream on top.

A pretty neat day with all the horses but it was time for me and my buddy to head down the back streets toward home.  Good Nite!!!

Today's weather

Sunny. 25 / 18 °C
Humidity: 82%. Wind: 6 mph  from Southwest

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