Thursday 24 February 2022

Breakfast and a Paint Job.

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita, Mexico

We took a stroll down to the market today just to check things out.  We did buy some bread but that was all.  We went to Irma's for breakfast.  It was quite busy there as it is on market days.

We met Kenia, George and Henny there a little bit later and had a nice chat.

Kenia brought Oso (Bear) along.  She doesn't have a good leash for him, so Sue and Kenia went back to the market and got one for him for 150 pesos.  9 bucks.

Normand and Suzanne arrived back at the park today with their newly painted RV.  I am amazed at the quality of work that is done in basically a back alley down in El Monteon which is about 10 miles from here.  They even hand painted the decals and words on the sides and back.  Wow!   

I guess our friend Luis had figured out how to make a neat light for inside his gazebo, so everyone was admiring his handy work.  Next thing you know they start showing up at people's gazebo's out of the blue.  Thank you Luis and we will keep it forever.  Maybe we will hang it at CJs for the summer.  By the way, they are made out of two bowls back-to-back with a light inside. 

So that was our day today.  Nothing earth shattering but fun non the less.  Hope your day was great too.


  1. Nice picture of Sue. She looks deep in thought. 😊
    Bear is so cute!! Look at the size of those 🐾.

  2. I like the light in the gazebo, and think you should hang it at cj's. 😀


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