Wednesday 4 October 2023

Back on the Road!!

WHERE ARE WE? Indian Head, Saskatchewan

I will be posting a big blog highlighting our summer which will be dated October 1st.  I will tell everyone when I add to it so you can go back and see any additions I make.  But for our travels from now on I will try to stay current.

Today we hit the road on our winter journey.  As usual we were late getting away from home.  I had a Dr. appointment in Brandon and needed to get a prescription to finish up getting my pills for the winter.  It is sometimes a performance to get 6 months worth together before we leave.  Our pharmacy goes above and beyond to make sure it happens.  Thanks Super Thrifty Drugs.  Then on the way out of town I remembered that I hadn't put the old Motorhome on lay up insurance for the winter.  That's when I found out that my drivers license had expired and with it the registration on all our vehicles had lapsed.  So I had to renew everything before we could proceed.  Thanks to Connie and Janice at Waymor Agencies, we got everything done and were on the road about 5 pm.  Whew!  Dodged a bullet there because if we had of carried on, it would have been real tricky to renew everything while out of province.  We are so fortunate to live in a small town where everyone helps each other.  Its so nice to see highway out our front window again.

So we set off to Reston to pick up some things that Nicole has for us to take to Mexico so they don't have to take them on the plane when they come in December.  Yes, she and our 4 grandkids will visit us for a couple weeks in La Penita in late December.  Just a couple things she said!!!  lol  Well this suitcase weighs about 70 lbs.  It will tag along with us in the back of the Jeep.

They are all ready for Halloween at their house and it was nice to visit with everyone before heading off.

Archie was getting a little excited to hit the road again, so we said our goodbyes and we were off.  We need to get a couple hours under our belts tonight so our trip tomorrow is shorter.

The night was a little rainy for a while but it is all 4 lane highway and well travelled so we committed the ultimate RV sin and travelled at night for a couple hours.  

Our travels today took us to Indian Head tonight and tomorrow we will head north.  Its nice to be back blogging and I look forward to you joining us on our travels.  Here was our trip today.  Good Night!


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