Wednesday 25 October 2023

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

WHERE ARE WE? Robinson Rancheria Resort and Casino, CA

We slept in again this morning.  I don't know what it is about this mountain air but we sleep really well with the sea air.  So we crawled out at 9:30 and fired up and hit the road.  Lots more Redwoods and narrow roads today.  Not all roads are this way but they are the most memorable.

We had to stop and see the Chandler Drive through Redwood tree.  $15.00 and we were in.  We were going to drive through the tree with the jeep but it is about 4 inches too tall.  So I could just watch another car go through.

There were lots of things to look at and we spent about an hour looking around.  

It is amazing to see just how big these trees are.  Its hard to photograph them but this one was probably 15 feet across. 

Later in the day we turned inland on Highway 20.  Up till now we have been on coastal highway 101 and had at one point thought we would take highway 1 to Fort Bragg and ultimately San Francisco but with the price of gas and the fact that we would have to deal with big traffic in San Francisco and South we decided to head east and then take 395 down through Yosemite.  We got some great country to see yet.  Tonight we are going to settle in at a Casino.  

So we went inside and asked to get a players card.  Tonight every senior got a $10 free play and then we got to spin the wheel and got another $4 so $14 each.  I went to a machine and as quick as a wink it was gone.  Sue walked around a bit and chose a Gold mining machine.  She put her card in and started to play.  She went up and down for a while and then she started climbing.  She was at $176 once but cashed out at $140.  Nice win and we never spent a cent.  We even got free pop out of the deal.  

This was our route today.

I think we will be as snug as a bug in a rug tonight.  More adventures tomorrow!  Good Nite!


  1. Loved the stop! Amazing things to see. The carvings were fantastic. Congratulations Sue. Enjoy the winnings. Safe travels.


  2. Some great pictures.

  3. Wow redwoods are gorgeous eh!! Great WIN Sue!!! Safe travels!!!

  4. It was a good ride Lorne take care of you and your gang.


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