Monday 30 October 2023

Laundry Day

WHERE ARE WE? Pahrump, Nevada

Last evening I experienced some bad back pain.  It was so bad that I could not stand up straight.   For a few years now, every once in a while I will move wrong or something and get a severe pain in my lower back on the left side.    I sometimes wonder if it is a kidney problem but it was so bad last night that I had to go to bed early where I tossed and turned for a few hours before the pain subsided a bit.  This morning I felt a bit better and as the day progressed, and after a 2 hour nap,  I was almost back to normal.  Well today is laundry day so off we went.  

While we were waiting for the laundry we did a quick shop at Walmart.  

So that was about all that happened today.  We just enjoyed the warmth and have nice smelling clothes and bedding. Got a picture of sunset from the laundromat window.  Hope your day went well too.  Good Nite!!


  1. Glad the back pain didn't last long. Keeping moving once you are able is the best thing. Of course, pain free sleep too!

  2. Sorry to read about your back. Hope by the time you read this you are pain free.

  3. Ha. Stretches during the day. Actually, that's my cure, but everybody I know over 70 has a different one. Glad yours improved with time and rest. Classy laudromat! But then I haven't been in one in about 10 years. Happy trails.


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