Wednesday 6 March 2019

And it just gets Better!!

We decided to shoot a quick email off to Mike at BK Diesel up in Dubuque Iowa to see if he actually had received the pump yesterday and to get a feel for when he might be rebuilding it.  Well we got a surprise!!  He had received it at 9:30 yesterday morning and put the guys on it immediately and had it all ready and boxed up in time to get it on FedEx back to us before 3 yesterday afternoon.  Now that is service!!!  We are impressed, so if FedEx does its part, it could be back here in at Cummins tomorrow morning possibly.  I went in to let Rich know and to tell him to go ahead and order me new injectors which will arrive tomorrow.  We could be outta here before the weekend but that is very very optimistic!!  We have lots to do here if we have to stay over the weekend so are not worried.  When I went into the shop Kris, who is the service advisor had brought her dog Mac to work with her today.  He is a pit bull and his face just about talks to you!!  He is so handsome and personable.  Just goes to show you that with the right people owning them, they can be super dogs.  Kris is Charlies best bud around here because she gives him treats every time he goes in the shop so Charlie had his nose out of joint today because I didn't take him, but rather let Mac be the King of the shop today.

About all we did today was some grocery shopping and laundry.  We went over to Publix first to get the normal stuff.

Then we headed over to do our laundry.   

Right beside the laundry was a Mexican supermarket so we went in to have a look.  

There were lots of neat things in the store. They had a counter full of big oversized cookies and cakes.  It took a lot of will power not to buy a couple.

And these nice looking deserts like home made rice pudding.

One thing I have never tried was a Plantain so today was the day.  I only bought 1 in case I didn't like it, and that was certainly the right decision. 

The other thing I bought was a Mexican grape soda.  It worked well to wash away the taste.

A nice supper and watched some TV tonight. We have some good plans for tomorrow. This was the view out our front window today.  Who is that lurking there.  Chaaaaaaarlie!!!


  1. Glad to read that people are trying to get you back on the road ASAP.
    Hoping they don't put you in the poor house with their bills.
    You know that you'll have some sucking up to do to Charlie after this.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the down time.

    It's about time.

  2. I think plantains are supposed to be better cooked. I hope you do get on the road soon. My hand is healing up nicely so we will hit the road headed east soon and should meet up with you somewhere.

  3. What great news! Hope FedEx does their part and you are on the road soon.
    I do love the name of that laundromat.
    In December of 2016 we bought the Stinger "B" down at Lazy Days RV near Tampa. What we found out, while searching down there, was the decent used ones come in and sell quickly.

  4. Good news on the speedy rebuild hopefully in will be back on time and installed so you can get back on the road again.

  5. Hope things go smoothly and quickly for you folks.
    Very cute looking dog, he's a sweetie!! Of course so is Charlie, just a different looking kind of sweetie.
    Lovely faces you made during your taste testing experiments. LOL
    Good luck.

  6. Great news! Hope everything goes well and you get back on the road soon!

  7. We are so happy that things are moving along for you. Soon you will be moving along again. Those Mexican desserts looked awesome, not the cookies, I'd go for the creamy rice ones. :)
    I love the faces, Lorne, now we know what to buy and what to leave on the shelf!
    Cute how Charlie sits a way up there in the window.

  8. Glad things are moving along with the repairs. So nice that the shop you are in are pleasent people. I have never seen such a big laundry mat lol. It is so neat all the things you get to see.


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