Tuesday 6 December 2022

More Friends Arrive

WHERE ARE WE? Magnolia Beach, Texas

The day started with some fog.  Last evening, we moved to a new spot on the beach.  There are no bad spots here, everyone has ocean front property!!  Just the two of us here right now.

Not much happened today just a quick trip to town for supplies.  We sat with Chuck and Angie and watched to water.  It's kinda like watching a bonfire, you don't know what you're watching but you just keep watching.  We did see some fishing boats heading out and they were in formation.  They chat between the boats as they are travelling, I guess.  

We had a search and rescue helicopter come over as well.  Pretty exciting right?

In anticipation of an upcoming project, I got up on the roof to check things out.  Had to get a picture of Chuck relaxing and another of the RVs on the beach.  It's actually quite quiet here right now.  

We got a message that Ed and Lessie were on the move and sure enough it wasn't long, and we saw them coming down the road!!  We always love to see the "Bird" and if you know anything about Birds, they have the ability to play about 100 tunes and they use them for their signature on arrival and departure.  Today they played "Zippity do dah, Zippity day, my oh my what a beautiful day"!!!!  

We got them all parked up and now there were three!!

We got out the chairs and took the rest of the afternoon catching up.  

The sun was setting, and it wasn't long before the moon made an appearance.  What an amazing place to just hang out.

I saw this today and it said a lot.  We can sure get wrapped up in fretting about what is going wrong around us.  Maybe it's time to ignore that and only concentrate on the good things.  Good Nite.


  1. I always try to see the positive, the negative is much too easy to find!!
    Looks like a party, strike up the band!!


    1. Musta been the whiskey, coulda been the gin, might have been the 3 or 4 six packs but look at the mess I'm in!!!!


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