Saturday 3 February 2024

A Few Different Things Today

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

I got up just before 8 this morning and Archie peeked out from under the pillow kinda like what are you doing up?

I suggested that he get out of bed and start the day.  This is what he did.  Not sure if he was laughing or yawning or barring his teeth telling me to get lost.  Anyway he went back to sleep for 20 minutes or so.

Sat around for a while drinking coffee before we heard a horn beep and a guy holler Breaaaaaaad Man!!!  Every Saturday we get to buy bread and treats right at our front gate.  We usually buy a couple strawberry and a couple pineapple empanadas.  Tasty treat for sure.

About 1 pm I headed uptown to get some cash from the ATM at the bank.  In the middle of the sparkling clean floor was a dog just having a siesta!!!  Nobody bothered him and he slept on.

Kenia met me for lunch today and had chicken soup while I had liver and onions.  It was so good.  Even Kenia likes liver which is strange for a young person.  She was on her way to clean the Cafecito when we met for lunch.

Joel is our groundskeeper here at the park and today some of the RVers here at the park got together and hired him to trim some trees on the street coming into the RV park.  The branches are getting too low and RV's are hitting them.  Further to that, there are wires being pushed down by the branches which is a big hazard for RV's. He is such a good worker and went right to work cutting down some pretty big branches.  It is amazing to see what they do with a machette.  It works better than an axe really!!  This will fix our problem for a few years I think.

Being the nosey person I am, I went to watch him and heard a dog barking.  This is where I finally found him, 3 stories up.  Don't jump doggie!!!

We had a little get together for sunset tonight down at the palapa because Howard and Linda are moving on tomorrow.  We have enjoyed getting to know them and wish them safe travels as they head for Mazatlan tomorrow. 

The sunset was great again tonight!!

This kinda describes me!!  Good Nite!


  1. And who is that holding your hand ?? Hmmph 🧐

  2. Beautiful sunsets for sure. How did that dog get up there?? Oh my!!

  3. I like that kind of day, very relaxing! I enjoyed the tree cutting, amazing how different cultures handle jobs. I think you have a beautiful little community there!



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