Monday 12 February 2024

Some Traditional Mexican Dancing

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

This morning Josue showed up with the fiberglass part for Normands motorhome.  He has made this thing from scratch and we are all waiting to see what the finished product will look like.  They put the lights in it today and got it fitted up properly.  Still some more fiberglass to do and then bondo and painting.

Wade and I had to go get water for everyone today.  Jeff found a new place that only charges 10 pesos for a big jug.  He even washes and sanitizes the bottles and gives us a new cap.  We had to help him a bit because his arm was in a sling.  

Wade and Melissa had to move around the corner to their new site this morning.  They are staying for another 3 weeks.  We look forward to getting to know them better.  In the meantime, our friends from last year, JR and Claudette, showed up and moved into the spot Wade and Melissa just gave up.  They are going to spend a month with us as well.  We will all have fun I think.

Then Karl and Suzie arrived back home after a weeks holiday in PV.  The dogs were happy to see them too.  By the suitcases they had, we thought they were gone for 6 months.

I took a trip downtown for some stuff and lunch at about 2 pm.  At the driving bridge there were people looking in the estuary so I stopped to check out what was happening.  On the grassy island in the middle was a huge crocodile.  It was 10 - 12 feet long and had a wide belly.  Shortly after I took this picture it slithered into the water and disappeared.  Because the estuary ends at the beach, and I walk the beach in the dark, I will have to be careful on my walk tonight.

After the crocodile sighting I headed downtown and sat by myself at El Pollito's to have my lunch.  I was hoping for Higado encebolla (liver and onions), but they didn't have any, so I ordered Mileneza de Pollio (Breaded chicken). 

Some people from the RV park walked by me and never even said hi!!  I can't remember their names, but I did get a picture.  You know who you are!!! LOL  Just kidding, I didn't see them either till they were long past.

Susan wanted me to change the traction wheels on her cricut so she could use it again.  The old traction wheels are wore out and don't feed the vinyl right.  I did the old You Tube and got started.  

The only problem was that I started the project a little late so I had to use a flashlight to finish it up.  It was quite a process but I got it done.

And yes, I did go downtown again tonight.  Because Carnival is still on, there is always entertainment and people in the plaza.  They had some good singers and dancers tonight doing some traditional Mexican dancing.  They are neat to watch with all of their colours.  They even did the Mexican Hat dance.

There was a vendor there that was selling some pretty realistic Tarantula's.  I bought 4 of them.  I told him I wanted it on my shoulder, so he dug in his bag and found a safety pin.  I walked around with it on my shoulder for the rest of the night.  Lots of people saw it and wanted one, so I sent them to where he was selling them.  I should get a commission.

I got to spend some time with some pretty ladies tonight.  Things were not quite as busy tonight so they had time to visit.  

Carol loved the spider so I got her one.  She thought it was pretty cool.

A little later, Kenia made up a crepe for me to take home to Susan.  It will be a nice treat for her.  Of course she had to give me the cross eye look before I left.  Crazy kid.

I'm going to see who I can startle tomorrow with my spider.  Hope I don't give anyone a heart attack.  But for now, Good Nite!


  1. Not a spider person myself.
    I have no idea what a cricut is.
    That gator must be around there on a more regular basis than you are seeing him. I would watch every night in the dark!
    Hut burning? If you found out why, I missed it.
    I don’t think the grass is greening up, maybe you need turf. lol


  2. Love the look on your face. Priceless! Glad to hear you gotvthe Crichton working for Sue.

  3. I'm glad I'm not around you. My fear is stronger than our friendship!!! Haha, well, you can believe that at least!!


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