Thursday 29 February 2024

Don't Get Your Panties in a Knot!!

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

The kids have not been to the market since they got here so we decided to wander down there.  First thing was to get some cash from the bank.  We had to walk to the far end of the Avenida because with the market in town the ATMs run out of money early.  Grace and Grams were on the move!!

Once we got to the bank, Max and I just hung out on the sidewalk waiting.

We walked through the market for a while looking for some stuff that might be of interest to the wee ones.

Both Grace and Max found some things they might like.  Grace likes crafty things and Max will settle for any truck.  

His truck works good on the beach

Some soft clay figurines

I did manage to slip away this afternoon on my way to move the Cafecito and have some liver and onions.  It was sure good.   

The ocean was quiet today and it was a little overcast, so the kids headed to the ocean.  They sure love playing in the waves and we almost have to bribe them to get them to come out.  

With the clouds still low in the sky, there wouldn't be a sunset to photograph.  Sue grabbed a nice picture of one of the locals on his horse. 

Now you probably have figured out that I don't fall for many things that are being floated around as scientific facts.  As far as I'm concerned, science is basically a bunch of people who believe that something is as they see it and they do a bunch of things to make it look like they have proved their point.  Then they promote it as undeniable facts.  Not to this guy they don't!!  I'm from the show me state!!  And here is proof that Global Warming is a thing!!!  Undeniable facts I would say.  LOL Try not to let this get in your dreams.  Good Nite!


  1. lol some things are better left to the imagination.


  2. Kathy likes her granny underwear better.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Change of subject....I love the picture of the local on his horse.


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