Tuesday 6 February 2024

Some Games and an Evening Swim

WHERE ARE WE? Numero UNO RV Park, La Penita, Nayarit, Mexico

When we bought our e bike back in December it came with a upgraded headlight in a box that needed to be installed.  Because the old headlight was quite bright, I have procrastinated until today.  The change out took about 5 minutes to do, but I'm not sure the results were what I anticipated.  

When I tried it after dark, I don't think it will be as good as the old one.  Oh well, I will give it a few night rides to decide.

Another project today was to hang our light above our table outside.  Sue is going to do some painting there and will need some light for night projects.

Had a quick late afternoon snack.  I love banana's and the banana's down here are so delicious.  Although we get good ones at home, they do not have the tangy deep banana taste like the ones here.  I should have been a monkey!!!  I don't normally drink coke but had one for some reason today.

We haven't played Skipbo with Normand and Suzanne for quite some time so today we found time for some games before sunset.  We try to keep score as best as we can but often we forget to mark down the winners.  

Sunset was behind the clouds tonight, but I got a picture of it through the fence as it dipped behind the clouds.

We had supper with Ken and Rhonda tonight and after we were done the first course, we went for a dip to cool off.  We are going to start doing more after dark swims as the temperature starts to climb a bit.

After the swim, we played some cards and had some rice pudding for dessert.  There were no complaints from anyone on the pudding.  

I got a nice picture of our set up on the way home.  Another day well spent!! Good Nite!!


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