Wednesday 5 January 2022

A Churro and a Smoothie to End the Day

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita, Mexico

Today was a relax at home day mostly.  Harold and I did a couple errands in the morning but other than that not much happened till Happy Hour.  Jeff had the carwash guy in the park today.  About 180 pesos gets you a nice shiny car.  We passed on the Jeep cause it will just get dusty on the next trail we go on. 

Happy hour snuck up on us around 4:30 and everyone wanted to participate.  I tried a Pano shot and it kinda worked.  I need some more practice. 

As we were enjoying our time on the patio, a guy on a horse rode by on the beach.  They have such nice horses around here.  Very well looked after.

Soon he was back again and Archies little dog friend was there trying to tell him that it is his beach!!!

Frank and Jackie were back fishing this afternoon.  I hope he gets a great big fish soon so I can put it in the blog.

Another beautiful sunset on the beach tonight.  There are some clouds floating around which is rare for around here at this time of year.

After supper Sue and I walked downtown to find the Churro people.  They make the best Churro's this side of the Pecos.  They were there and you can have a whole bag full for about a buck.

Churro's always make Sue smile and I do like them myself.  

If you remember a few weeks ago I showed you a piñata in progress.  It is made from eggs with the insides blown out and confetti put on the inside.  She hadn't painted it yet but tonight I saw it for sale on the street all painted up.  I thought it may have been painted more intricately but I guess if your just going to bust it why go to the bother.  

Of course we had to drop by Kenia's El Cafecito to say hi and have a smoothie.  My goodness she makes a good one.  Lots of strawberries.  Then home for the night.   Hope you had a good one.  


  1. "Happy hour snuck up on us around 4:30 and everyone wanted to participate. I tried a Pano shot and it kinda worked. I need some more practice."
    Happy hour and you tried a "Pano shot" I had not heard of one of those shots. I thought it was a Mexican liquor and you were going to try it again at another Happy hour!! Anyway it made me smile 😃
    Your picture do look good.
    I'm with Sue on the churros they look delicious!
    We're going to -38 here tonight!!

    1. Hahahaha. A Pano Shot!! I will remember that one. Stay warm

  2. A fun day!
    That pinata looked pretty neat. Thank you for the reminder of the 'before' picture.

  3. Very relaxing day for you two. Looks like you two love the local cuisine.


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