Saturday 1 January 2022

A Quiet New Years Day

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita, Mexico

Being New Years Day there wasn't much to do today.  We sat outside and sipped coffee and played with Archie.  Archie was nosing around in a little shrub in our site and he would go in and then jump backwards.  Finally he came out with a bottle about the size of an ink bottle (only people my age will know what they are).  Inside it was a hermit crab.  Cute little guy don't you think?  We had a little fun with him and then we put him back in the bush a little farther than before so Archie couldn't reach him.

Closer to lunch time, Harold and I headed downtown on a mission.  I was looking for a humming bird feeder but when we got there most of the specialty stores were closed so we got some hot dogs and Coke and headed home.  I suggested we stop by Irma's for a taco and a drink and Harold thought that was ok.  Well Irma doesn't really do taco's so I ordered a Ranchero something.  My goodness it was good.  2 pop and my meal for 100 pesos. $6 Cnd.  

By the time we got back we had time for a short swim before HH.  When we were done, we all gathered at the palapa for Happy Hour.  Our friendly neighborhood fly guy came by and he gave a low and over to some guys on the beach.  I really want one of those things.  I could have a lot of fun.  

A couple doors down from us there is a vacant yard with a couple boats under tarps.  Well for the last few days a couple guys have been working on one of them and I see that they got one going and out on the water.  Maybe I can snag a ride sometime, who knows.

Archie found a little friend the other day and every day when we go out to the beach, he comes up to check out Archie.  The beach was actually quite busy today.

Our neighbours Normand and Suzanne were sitting out on the beach and I got them in my sunset picture tonight. 

After supper Sue and I walked up town with Archie to see if the Churro vendor was there.  He was but he had just turned off the oil and had no more batter so we were out of luck tonight.  Oh well.

We went home and watched a couple of episodes of a show that you might recognize!! 

Archie says its time to say goodnight, so goodnight all.  Another day tomorrow!!


  1. I think you should find that paramotor guy and see about getting a ride with him!

  2. Good day, Good night, Archie! You found a cute little critter today! :)


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