Tuesday 3 January 2023

Another Day to Recover

WHERE ARE WE? La Penita, Mexico

Still sick today although I did feel well enough for a while this morning to tackle the roof vents.  We got them out a few days ago and have got them all cleaned up so now it was time to put them back.  Just a few screws and the job was all done. 

While I was laying around feeling sorry for myself I did some research on a new top for the Jeep.  I am hoping to get one that is only big enough to cover directly over the heads of the front and back seats.  All I care about is a sun shade and if there is a little rain overnight when it is parked.  If we run into a downpour while driving, I'm prepared to pull over and wait it out.  And the price is right!!   Maybe I can get one made cheaper down here.

I saw this jeep in town with one the other day.  You can take it off in 30 seconds or put it on in a minute.  Then you can fold it up in your hand and put it under the seat until you need it again.  I guess I will sleep on it.  Good Nite!!!


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