Friday 17 November 2023

A Day of Rest

WHERE ARE WE? Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite AZ

So my back seems like it might be getting better.  One of the things I notice is that if I lay down and rest the pain goes away so today I just took it easy.  I have stayed away from bending and lifting as much as I can.  I did have to finish some of the wiring that I had just done up temporary.

I did go with Sue to Quartzsite to pick up some things.  I probably shouldn't have gone because by the time I got back the pain was back up a bit. 

The rest of the afternoon and evening was spent horizontally with hopes that I feel better again tomorrow.  If its like any other time it has flaired up, I will wake up one morning and it will be gone.  Fingers crossed!!!  

Here is the view from my window today!   Good Nite


  1. You accomplished a lot of the installation in short order,so your back isn’t happy.A physiotherapist advised for my shoulder prior to surgery,to alternate with hot packs then cold- reality helped considerably.Hope that process might give you some relief- backs are always problematic.Enjoy the desert & all the best.

  2. Nothing much worse than a pain in the back. I'm with James, cold seems to do my back better than heat.

  3. Glad your back is improving. Resting is good medicine. You were in our neck of the woods, could stop by anytime.


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