Thursday 23 November 2023

Project Done and Thanksgiving

WHERE ARE WE? Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite AZ

And we have power!!!!  Ok this is the day you have all been waiting for.  The day when I can finally say that the power is on and the project is 95% complete.  Yes there is a bit of tiding up to do but the power part of the project is complete.  I just had to wire up the inverter this morning and it was done.

Inverter in place

Turning the switch on!!

Now comes the payback part.  The project cost a little over $4000.00 US which was significantly more than when we did the Ponderosa, however we didn't need and inverter and batteries for that project but we did for this one.  And of course with this project I broke down and installed 2 - 230AH Li Time Lithium Batteries.  We will certainly need to boondock for a long time to get a payback on the expense, but the feeling of freedom you get when you just let the good Lord fill your batteries everyday is priceless.  Ironically it is Thanksgiving here in the states today so I can be thankful for a project completed!!  To celebrate, we had a big turkey dinner.  Deb and Tom ordered a complete meal for all of us from Coyote's grocery store.  They prepare meals for you to take home and warm up and this was delicious.  Everyone else chipped in a dessert and we dined like kings and queens.  Thanks to everyone who came and made the day a pleasant one.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

Riley, Bill, Deb K, Deb D, Sue, Patsy, Kim, Ken, Tom and me.

We were just finishing up supper when a pickup stopped by the wash and a guy got out and grabbed his chair and came over to join us.  It was Ivan who is from Alberta and is old friends of Deb and Riley and Tom and Deb.  I had met Ivan many years ago at a Bloggerfest here in Q, but had not seen him since.  I do follow him on his blog Road Trip 2017.  It was good to see him again.

Today was not a good day for my back.  I think I need to just relax for a while and let it heal.  Today I just could not get comfortable sitting or standing, so I just ate and ran.  I went home to bed about 5 pm and stayed there for the rest of the day and night.  I did manage a sunset picture.

And my view out the window/door was good old Archie keeping an eye on me.  Good Nite!



  1. Good to see your project done. I am not sure the full cycle economics ever make sense on these solar systems, but the silence can't be bought.

  2. Glad you could at least join us for awhile. Nice picture of the group.

  3. Say hi to Ivan from Kevin and Ruth


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