Friday 10 November 2023

A Great Gathering in the Desert!

WHERE ARE WE? Scadden Wash, Quartzsite, Arizona

I had been asked to start doing the view out the window again so I will.  The problem is that it gets difficult to find a different view if we are in the same spot for a while.  I will try to find something interesting to show you each day!!  Here goes!

The  view out the window

Each day comes with something different happening.  I had planned to spend some time just going over the electrical system on the MH to make sure that my plan for the placement of everything would work.  Well I did get that task done when we saw a pickup truck pulling in.  I immediately recognized John and Brenda Brown from Alberta.  John and Brenda showed up a few years ago at Apache Junction and introduced themselves.  We had a great chat at that time and we have not crossed paths since.  John and Brenda and I follow each others blogs and we did know they were to the east of us however it was a surprise to see them.  

We had a grand ole chat for a few hours.

About 1 o'clock Deb and Riley came wandering over the hill for a quick visit.  Although they read each others blogs, they had never met before.  So hello's all the way around were in order.  We all sat for another hour or so fixing all of the worlds problems.  For all of you who think the world is in bad shape, never fear, we have a plan!!!  

As the song says "All good things gotta come to an end."  About 2:30 everyone decided it was time to move along.  We sure had a good time visiting with everyone.  Every time we get together we learn so much about the others and it is interesting how many things we have in common.  Thanks so much for dropping by and making our day.  Next up I had to meet with Bill and Patsy to get the rest of my shipment of solar stuff.  Today I got another battery, solar panels, inverter and some gadgets.  Like Christmas again!!

So I got busy and started a few of the projects.  The $60 question was if I could get 2 batteries to fit in the compartment I planned on!!  Yup. they fit nice.  I checked the voltage of the batteries and they were 13.11 and 13.10.  Now immediately I thought they were fully charged but after a little research I found out that those numbers are maybe 40% charged.  Wow I have a lot to learn about Lithium!!!  So they will need a good charge before they go to work.  My first plan is to hook up the inverter and batteries so I can get them charging while I do the solar installation.  

By the time I got those all in place like I wanted, dark was upon us.  So I packed up and moved inside but not before taking Archie for a walk.  Sue was playing with her new phone and took these pictures.  

After a bite of supper I got the remote monitors mounted on the wall.  We like to have a kind of control center so I put them there. 

Well thats about it for today.  I will try it again tomorrow.  I can only hope tomorrow is as fun as today was.  Sue took a couple sunset pictures to share.  Good Nite!!


  1. I laughed when i saw your washroom sign. Just in case you get up in the night and forget where it is?
    Good job on the solar stuff. Hope Bill has as much success.

  2. I too chuckled at the bathroom sign. You know you have more than one window! Lol. Good luck with project, I have no doubt it will go wonderfully well.
    We enjoyed the visit and meeting John and Brenda. We are looking forward to more!


  3. It was great catching up with you folks again in person, and meeting Deb and Riley was an added bonus. Your solar install is well on the way, if you have the planning phase almost complete.

  4. It was such a great visit. Loved finally meeting Deb and Riley. I could not believe what time it was when we got in the truck. Sorry for keeping you guys so long lol. Love the view out the window and Wow I could just breeze right though reading this now hahaha. I am using anonymous because I can't remember my Google Password .


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