Saturday 18 November 2023

The Project is Moving Slowly

WHERE ARE WE? Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite AZ

Another day of puttering around on the wiring.  Because of needing to redo some things in the little smoker to make it all neat and tidy and having to run some wires for the remotes for the inverter and solar controller, I decided to just go back and tidy it all up.  My back is a little better today however I am not having any success with being able to sit for very long.  Its either standing or laying down.  So I did a little of both all day.  I took everything out of the smoker and took it outside to make the modifications I wanted to do to make things fit better.

I got busy and ran the com lines that will come from the remotes on the wall to the inverter and controller.  I also ran the twisted pair that will go to the shunt.  Most of this I remember from when I did the solar on the Ponderosa.  I also had to mount the switch for the hot water tank beside the thermostat.  That area is getting quite busy, but I like to have everything in one place so you can check it easily.

By doing all this moving and shuffling, I have created quite a pile of left over wood paneling.  I put it all in the shower along with lots of other things for now just to get it out of the way. 

About 3:30 the troops started gathering for afternoon happy hour.  I headed over to spend some time with them but after a half hour or so I had to head home to have a wee lay down.  We have morning coffee out here which lasts about 2 hours and then afternoon happy hour that lasts about 3 hours so that doesn't leave a lot of time for the projects!!!  lol  We come to the desert to hang out with our friends and thats what is happening.  I just have to slip away and get some stuff done when I can.

After my lay down I decided to hook everything up and try out the electrical.  I added an electrical sub panel today which will be for the inverter load.  When we turn on the inverter, we don't want things like the hot water tank and the air conditioning to come on, so that's why we install a sub panel.  Any time we run the generator or are on shore power, everything will work, but on the inverter the AC and hot water don't.  Anyway when I fired up the generator, only the AC and hot water tank would work and nothing else.  Out with the power meter and traced it to the sub panel.  Well when I looked in there, I guess I was a little hasty to get things going and there was a loose wire.  Silly me.  Hooked it up and away everything went.  Picture is blurry but tells the story.  I usually double check, but not this time

So now I can put the smoker in place for the final time and get on with finishing up the solar and inverter.  There is not much left to do, just hooking up the wires and mounting the shunt and disconnecting switch and breaker.

So that was our day in a nutshell.  The project is slowly coming together.  I did take one picture out the window and it is much the same as yesterday except a different time of day.  It shows that not much had changed.  Good Nite!!


  1. Slow and steady and soon the job will be done.


  2. Sounds like you are on the home stretch with your project now

  3. Looking good, your almost there. Hope your back gets better soon.

  4. I didn't realize that cabinet was a smoker!!! Envious of the weather there that's for sure!!!!

  5. Lorne that is a LOT of wires to keep track of! Job looks great and as it works, even better! I hope your back recovers quickly!

  6. Looks to me like you are doing a good job on that stuff and yes, having all the electric in one place on a RV is sure the way to go.

  7. Wow! My head hurts looking at all those wires and gadgets! I'm sure glad it is you doing it all and doing a fine job. You guys (you and Bill) seem to know what you're doing. :) Keep looking after that back, one day you will wake up to complete relief.

  8. Hope your back gets better soon. Sounds like things are almost done with the electrical finally.


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