Tuesday 14 November 2023

Finished Installing 4-200W Solar Panels

WHERE ARE WE? Road Runner, Quartzsite Arizona

I learned from the heat of yesterday, and with a little encouragement from Deb, I decided to roll out of bed and get the rest of the solar panel project completed before the heat got unbearable.  Today was going to be 29 degrees so I was up on the roof before 9.  The last 2 panels gave me a little more grief in finding suitable crossmembers to screw them to, but I won in the end.  

As I finished up I looked over to the Stinger Bee and everyone was gathering for morning coffee.  I cleaned up my tools and grabbed a coffee and headed over there.

My back was killing me again so I laid down on the mat and stared at the sky for a while.  I hope it starts getting better soon because its really slowing down my progress on the solar.

After coffee break, I did a little USB install in the front hall because it didn't involve lifting or bending or anything to aggravate my back.  Standing does not seem to make it worse. 

 It wasn't long and I had enough.  More staring upwards for a couple hours.

We took Archie for a nice walk on toward supper time.  The desert is not very busy here yet so lots of places to let him run.

I have to apologize in advance for the sunset pictures but how could I resist.  Hope you enjoy them.

We are looking forward to some really nice weather in the next week or so.  We don't plan on moving until the 24th so we have a while to enjoy.

Feeling a bit better tonight after a bit of relaxing.  Gonna hit the sack and start anew tomorrow.  Good Nite!


  1. If your back is not better when u get to LP. I know a guy.

  2. Sorry to hear about your back. The solar work is .oving along. I think you have enough panels to fill your needs. Will make boondo king much more fun. Great to see such beautiful sunset pictures.

  3. I was surprised and happy to see you on the roof so early! Hopefully the back heals up soon. I loved the sunset pics and view from the roof.


  4. I had to read that line over a few times to make sure I was seeing it right and that it was your blog i was reading ! Before 9??? Wow!
    Seriously, sorry about your back. I know a couple of good stretches, work every time for me, while you're on your back staring at the ceiling.

  5. Your solar project is coming along great, and the sunset photos are first rate. No apologies needed, they are always welcome.


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