Thursday 16 November 2023

Worked on Electrical Today

WHERE ARE WE? Road Runner BLM, Quartzsite AZ

This morning I had company for coffee.  We got the world sorted out enough that we felt we could continue on with the day.

Today was electrical day.  Since we changed out the corner dinette for a love seat there has been this mass of wiring that needs to be moved into the smoker in the hall.  This smoker belonged to Sues grandfather and still has his pipe in it.  The electrical panel will fit perfectly in the top part so it will be a functional part of the motorhome.  Because the couch is right in the way, I got Sue to help me so I didn't have to keep jumping over the couch to pull a wire a bit and then jump back to straighten it out on the other side.

I'm a tough guy to work with but Susan put up with me real well today.  Thank you.

Because of having to take lots of breaks later in the day cause I was hurting I didn't get the electric back on line until after it was dark.  Good thing I had a head band flashlight hidden in the back closet.

Susan got a nice shot of Archie that I need to share.

By the time the day was over, this was the view from my window.  

I happened to wake up in the middle of the night and looked out the window.  The glow in the sky from Phoenix which is 200 kms away made a nice back drop for a lonely cactus.   Not a great picture but was a neat thing to see from the comfort of my pillow.  Good Nite!


  1. Working in the dark is a risky business, lucky you had the headlamp. Great pic of Archie. Love the night picture.


  2. Archie looks so comfortable. Glad you got things hooked back up. I have one of those 'workers ' too so wait until I'm asked. I like that sign!


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