Sunday 19 May 2024

A Little Change of Plan Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Today got started on the wrong foot or should I say tire!  Yup a flat tire and if you know me well I am not a believer in spare tires so of course I don't have one.  Actually I do have one but of course it is flat. lol  And of course this is Sunday of the long weekend so no chance of getting a tire until Tuesday now.  Oh well!!

So I had to improvise.  Out with the lawn tractor and trailer and off to the woodpile to load up.  It seems like everyone needs wood today.

Actually I put a good big hole in the woodpile this weekend.  That's good.  

Sue had a bit of a problem this morning as well.  She changed the oil in the fryers this morning and woops, she kinda overflowed the jug catching the used oil.  Good thing we had lots of Zorball!!  

Today Nikki and the kids are joining us for the day along with Karalee and Brandon.  It will be nice to spend some time with them.   Kaitlyn and Karalee have had a tradition of swimming on the long weekend.  Kaitlyn was not feeling well today, so Karalee went for the cool dip.  Good job!!

Lots of kids and lots of bikes.  It's gonna be a busy day for old Grampa!!

But old Gramps has a smile on his face when there are a bunch of kids along.  

Nikki brought a couple things for me to fix.  I am glad she asks me to do things for her, because it makes me feel like I am helping my son out as well.  The first project was to put the lock nuts on the new bunk bed stairs that she bought.  It has those nylon lock nuts which require a little more work to get them tight.  Using a power driver makes the job easier.

Then I had to do a little tightening on Emma's bike.  The chain was loose and fell off, so I tightened it up and it will be fine.


Well today was a good day.  Quite busy at Cj's as people start doing the summer vacation thing.  The weather was nice but did cool off about supper time.  That means that the ice cream rush after supper takes a hit.  Oh well.

We had Karalee and her friend Brandon here this weekend.  It is nice to spend time with her because we don't see her too often because she lives about 5 hours away.  Anyway, they headed to Kaitlyn's house for the night and we will see them in the morning.  Good Nite!!!


  1. Lots of little jobs to do. Hopefully the tire gets fixed soon!


  2. Too bad about the mishaps. Not carrying a good spare? Hmm, Bill and i would really have been in a bind on our journey home! 🤔
    Lots of things going on, it was a great weekend here, perfect weather.


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