Wednesday 1 May 2024

Got a Few More Things Accomplished

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Today was a little bit of a cool day so I turned on the heater in the shack and while I waited I cooked me up some breakfast.  This should hold me over for a while.  We like farmers sausage around here and eat a lot of it.

I checked the shack after lunch and it was warm enough to get some stuff done in there.   First thing on the agenda was to tighten up all the fittings on the spray hose and replace it on the sink now that the water is turned on. 

Then, because we are moving things out so we can clean under them, I managed to put the baseboards in areas that didn't have them yet.  It was one of those things where all the shelving and things went in before I got to put baseboards on when we built the place 3 years ago!!  Oh well, job is done now.

And Susan spent some time getting our POS (cash register) up and running.  We have a Clover and it does amazing things, but it is one of those things that can sometimes be smarter than us.  Hopefully it will be ready to go on the 10th!!

That was it for work today.  We had some supper and then I had to go to a Friends of Rivers Lake meeting.  We have just been awarded funding from the government to install a new dock in the lake that will be fully accessible to people with various mobility disabilities.  The total project cost is just short of $80,000.00!! We had lots of discussion to get down to a who will do what plan.  We also had elections tonight and yup, I'm President for another 2 year term.  We have a great group to work with, so I don't mind. 

 After I got back from the meeting, we went for a walk.  The geese are all working on trying to nest, but with the water still high, the areas around the shore still have water in them.  I'm sure they will figure it out.

Archie has so many places to explore and loves just being out and about.  We do sort of watch and put him on a leash if other people come down to walk their dogs.  He does have a few dog friends that are ok just playing loose with him.  A little TV and off to bed we went.  Good Nite!!


  1. The chores never end, whether it's sticks and bricks or on wheels. Glad you are up to the task. Congratulations on the funding and the Election.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the adventures.

    It's about time.

  2. You are getting things set up slowly but surely, you'll be ready on time. :)
    Gibbs loves to be off leash up here. He only has people to play with - us.

  3. Congratulations Mr. President.
    The place will come together because you have no choice.
    Our water is low, even with all the rain, lake levels are down significantly, I mean feet, not inches.
    Have some fun before the work starts!



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