Wednesday 15 May 2024

More Projects Today

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Well today I had to get busy and mount all the coffee cup holders that I bought in Brandon.  The wood truck and the lawn tractor need a place to hold my coffee.  Anyone that knows me, knows that I have a coffee cup in my hand most times except when I set it down some place and lose it.  So now I will have a place to store my cup.

So with that done I headed into town with the lawn tractor to cut the grass at the manor and another empty lot Manitoba Housing owns.  I don't have a trailer right now so I just drive it the mile and a half into town.  It takes about 3 hours to get the jobs all done and back home again.

Archie spent most of the day chasing squirrels.  He has yet to catch one.  He will just stand like a statue and wait for them to make a move.  Then he is after them.

All good things have to come to and end and today was no different.  We watched some TV and watched the sun go down.  Good Nite!!!


  1. I like the cup holders!
    Ah yes, ride the mower to town. You are one of THOSE people. lol.


  2. Looking after the priority things first, coffee holders, i like that. Gibbs is the same with chipmunks.


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