Saturday 18 May 2024

We Are in the Firewood Business

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Although it is a miserable rainy day, the park is almost full of campers and they are making the best of it.  

Once the rain stopped in the early morning, everyone was looking for dry wood.  Of course after a busy evening last night, the truck was empty so I had to fill it.

I try to keep the wood pile tarped and we do have bundled wood on the deck that stays dry.  Its a cool day, so a fire would be welcome.

Just a normal day at Cj's.  It wasn't that busy but it was steady.  We have some new employees so we do spend a fair amount of time helping to train them.  I think we have a good group this summer.  About 8, I headed down to the beach to have a shower.  The park has a nice shower with plenty of hot water and its not very far from our motorhome.

When I came out of the shower, the sun had set and the lake was tranquil and the sky was beautiful.  Looks like it will be a beautiful day tomorrow.  Good Nite!!

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