Monday 20 May 2024

A Little More Cj's Stuff

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

I guess I will give you a little more insight into what goes on in a day around Cj's.  It is Monday of the long weekend and the weather is quite cool, so all of the campers will be moving out early today.  They all have to go back to work!!  Ha Ha!  Oh right, I have to work too!  I have to get the flat tire off the truck and find a replacement.  I have a couple contacts for used tires that I will try first.  

Actually the tire was not completely flat, just that one spot that is bad!!  It would probably thump a lot going down the road.

I spent some time working on the generator I got from Nikki.  Lots of carb cleaner and flush out the gas tank a couple times  

I don't know much about these generators, but if it runs good it will be great for me to run my log splitter up where there is no power.

We had a Dad and Mom out on the golf course today.  The kids were a little rambunctious and the parents just ignored them, but we get lots of that now and I try not to let it get to me.  After they were done their round I happened to walk by one of the back holes and looky looky!!!  Not major damage, but if it was my kid there would be a spanking involved, as well as a sincere apology to the owner by the kid.   Nope, not these guys.  They just disappeared and left the mess to me!! Grrrr!

On the brighter side, I went in the shack and Sarah was busy making hamburgers.  We make all our own hamburgers with a secret recipe and they taste delicious.  Sarah is the type of girl that will make you smile no matter what is happening.  Thanks for cheering me up!  She had to run the till as well, so she was a busy girl.

And here is a little look at our coffee/slushie bar.  We have the best coffee in the west and our slushies are guaranteed to freeze your brain!!  Pink lemonade and Cherry are the flavours of the day.

Another neat little thing is the share bowl.  When there are fries or onion rings, or a chicken finger left over from an order, they go in the share bowl.  Anyone can pick away at it as they pass by and I was quick to snag this onion ring!!  Winner winner chicken dinner!!!  (there was no chicken)!  That's about all that happened today.  Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. It’s called the “poverty bowl” named by a staff member lol


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