Monday 13 May 2024

The Day Starts With a Scare

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Every once in a while, I have a little episode that reminds me that I am a heart attack survivor.  For the most part, I am aware of my limits and stay within them, however there are times when I have a very scary feeling.  Such was the case this morning when I had some chest pain and a burning pain in my left arm which moved into my right arm.  If you've ever had a heart attack, you recognize that feeling as not being good.  And of course then the anxiety sets in and boom, your blood pressure shoots through the roof.  Now because a lot of my heart died with the original heart attack, I am on meds to abnormally lower my blood pressure.  Normally it is 90/50 but when I got to the MH and took my pressure, it was 132/106.  That certainly makes my head spin.   As I was sitting there I realized that I had not taken my pills this morning and it was 2 pm already.  When I checked my pill container, I realized I had not taken my pills last night either.  So I guess I brought it on myself.  I will be more diligent in taking my meds now for a while.

So I just relaxed for a couple hours and I got right back to normal.  I had to go to the manor to check things out.  Our daughter Sheri and I have a contract with Manitoba Housing to do caretaking services at a 12 apartment complex as well as minor maintenance at 14 low rental houses in town.  The contract doesn't require a lot of attention but it does require a few hours a week.  Sheri looks after things for the winter and I kinda kick in for the summer.  We do have my sister in laws grandson doing the janitorial duties in the lounge, but we are required to do the record keeping and overseeing that everything gets done.  So I drop by just to look about every 2 days. 

And then it was time for supper.  Sue fired up the grill and we had some burgers.  Because we are not open during the week this week, we needed to eat up the hamburger that remained in the fridge.  The poor old kitchen is a pretty lonely place during this week.

So to help us deal with the leftover hamburger, we invited Donovan to help us with the dilemma.  That was about it for today.  Good Nite!!

1 comment:

  1. You were very lucky, not to have more problems, from not taking your Medications.
    Just missing her evening pills, takes Kathy a week to recover.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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