Sunday 12 May 2024

Thats a Wrap for This Weekend

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

We started out the day with a little ice cream!!!  We make them wait until 10 am before they can have any.  Guess what flavour Max likes!!

We had a guy come by with this weird looking boat.  He wanted to know where the boat launch was.  Hmmm hope he wears a life jacket.

Part of what Sue does is to dream up new products.  This is the latest.  The Facebook page speaks for itself.  I think it would be a good breakfast item with a couple strips of bacon on the bottom and some scrambled egg with a drizzle of maple syrup.  Mmmmmmm!!!

Lots of other yummy stuff went out the window as well today.  

And Sue even kicked in to help out the girls this afternoon.  They are getting back into the groove.  

We even got some time to sit by the fire with our friend Linda.  It was good to visit with her.  We last saw them in Puerta Vallarta in February I think.

We are open till 8 pm on Sundays so the girls got things all cleaned up and they vacated.  The kitchen is quiet for the night.

And I got to see the sunset from the office window tonight.  Good Nite!!


  1. There is nothing quite like the quiet after work.
    I hope the vessel doesn’t flip over backwards, seats and the motor attached to the sand box, does not a boat make.


  2. Hopefully, Sue had a chance to enjoy Mother's Day with the grands, while keeping busy at the grill.
    Have to agree with Deb, that looks more like a Sandbox, with seats and a Paint Mixer. That should sink fairly quick.
    Catching up from a busy Monday.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Everyone seems to have a different idea of what a boat is. That is definitely not for me!
    Congrats on your first weekend under your belt. Those onion rings look wonderful!
    Not so keen on the waffle thing but to each his/her own. Go for it, Sue!

  4. I’m laughing so hard because that it the Little Tikes sandbox/kiddie pool my son got for his first birthday 29 years ago and we still have it. Visiting toddlers use it.


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