Saturday 4 May 2024

Meeting Tamara Lich

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

This morning was a beautiful morning.  It has still not warmed up to summertime temperatures but things are progressing along.  I had to take a picture from my pillow this morning.  This is what we see each morning when we wake up before we climb out of bed.

Todays plans involve a road trip.  About 10 am I headed up to Hamiota to have breakfast with Sheri at Cj's on the Links.  That is the restaurant she runs at the golf course there.  She is not very busy as she just opened and everyone is not expecting her open for another week or so.  She has made some changes to the kitchen there and it makes it a lot more workable than it was.

She made me a lovely traditional breakfast which hit the spot real well.  

After breakfast I headed out on the second leg of my journey.  I had to note that some of the roads in springtime around here are way worse than any Mexican roads we travel on.

Today I am going to hear Tamara Lich speak about her experiences with the truckers convoy, and the atrocities that she was subjected to by our government and the police then and even up until now.  She has been charged with "Mischief"! and has been on trial off and on for years now.  She has spend substantial time in remand "jail" awaiting bail hearings.  I don't care which side of the fence you are on concerning the trucker convoy, you have to agree that to do what has been done to some of these people is unforgiveable.  To support the actions of our government of the day in regard to these matters goes against every constitutional right we "used" to have.  I have come to the conclusion that there are a lot of people who feel the same way and we have to make sure this loss of freedoms are restored and never taken away again.  The event was held in Franklin, a town of about 20 people and there were about 250 people there to hear Tamara's story.  

Tamara was one of the first live streams I followed as the convoy progressed on its travels to Ottawa.  It was obvious that Tamara was reporting what she saw and she was my eyes on the whole protest.  She has written a book about her experiences and she was selling and signing them today.  I got a book signed for my friend and even got a picture with Tamara.  It was a great afternoon.

Back home this evening and some relaxing.  We watched a couple episodes of Season 2 of Survivor.  We have 44 seasons left to watch!!    Remember Colby and Jerri?  

Once again I got the sunset out the front window.  Sorry.   Good Nite!!


  1. Kimberlee Wilson7 May 2024 at 04:12

    Looks like it was a good turn out for Tamara… she seems like such a great lady! We certainly enjoyed all her updates during the convoy. Glad that you were able to meet her.

  2. For someone who has relatives living in the area that the Convoy took place in, sorry, it turned into a huge mess. People were kept awake 24/7 with honking horns, employees not able to go to work in the shopping mall because the truckers made them close it down. My friend's daughter of 18 got yelled at and peed on because she was trying to go to work. Where were their rights and freedoms. They asked to demo for a weekend, once there they wouldn't move. It was all planned out . If she was involved with this convoy she should be ashamed of what went on. That poor 18 yrs old moved back home so scared. some of the stuff that went on was terrible. I got my infor from people who had to live it everyday for 3 wks. not fun Sorry. Barb

  3. I think Tamara should join with Marjorie Green from the usa. Make a good pair.

  4. That convoy peed on the grave of the unknown soldier, I have no sympathy for what they got!


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