Friday 10 May 2024

Ready or Not, We are Open

WHERE ARE WE? Rivers Provincial Park, Rivers Manitoba

Well today is the day.  Remember the Muppets theme?  Well now you will be humming it all day!

It's time to play the music
It's time to light the lights
It's time to meet the people, on the Cj's Show Tonight!

It's time to put on makeup (not me!)
It's time to dress up right (socks and crocks)
It's time to get things started
Why don't we get things started
On the sensational, inspirational, celebrational, Cj'ssational
That's what we call the Cj's Show!!

You can guess who is who

I had to make a trip to Brandon today to pick up some stuff.  A coffee grinder, a tire tube, a UPS parcel, (which will be featured on a future post) and to drop off Grace at her Gramma Melaines.  

Princess Auto for the tube

We had a tough time finding the UPS drop store because there have been numerous ones in the past.  So I just kept checking places and they kept telling me another place to check.

Are you UPS?  Nope

You UPS?  Nope

Maybe here.  Yup 

This package cost $235 to buy, but when I picked it up, there was another $63 charge for duty because it was shipped from the USA.  Crazy huh? 

Grace and I had to stop for a coffee break half way through our running around.  We splurged and had a donut as well. 

Last stop was to pick up a coffee grinder at Forbidden Flavours.  They supply us with all our coffee over the summer and it is the best we have come across.  I can honestly say that it is better than Timmies!!  

Then it was off to home again to get a few chores finished up before supper.  First chore is a regular one for the summer.  We sell firewood to all the campers and some in town.  We sell it by the tote full.  So we have to load totes with wood and put them in the truck.  Cody and I filled the truck ready for the weekend.  We never know how busy the first weekend will be.

Next on the list was to change the tire tube in the wheeler.  We use the wheeler to put the totes on to deliver them into the campsites.  Some of the young guys just grab them and carry them, but this old guy is not made to do that anymore and I don't always have a young guy to do it.

We are slowly getting things put in their places but we have limited storage space so it is kinda like doing a puzzle.  Patsy should be here to help!!  There is no picture on these boxes to help you!!!

And then 4 o'clock rolled around and we turned on the open sign!!  We don't expect to be too busy because this is the first weekend the park is open.

We do have lots of good staff to help us.  Here is another group of smiling girls!  We appreciate every one of them for who they are and their variety of abilities.  Almost all of our staff are school kids and we hope we start their work lives out on the right foot.  So far we have been successful.  Because we are an entry level employer, we get to train them up from about grade 9 until they graduate.  Then they leave us and move on with life, so we are constantly bringing up new ones to take their place.  That keeps us on our toes and involved. 

Part of opening in the spring is making sure everyone is up to speed on making all the specialties.  Everyone likes to make some and of course they have to be eaten.

Tonight was supposed to be spectacular for northern lights so we headed up the hill to check them out.  Nothing spectacular that I could see but it is always nice to see northern lights.  Good Nite! 


  1. Congrats on the opening! Another summer season ahead. I have no doubt you and Sue will be fabulous employers and the young staff will remember the excellent start to their work lives.


  2. In 1965 my cousin and her husband open a pizza parlor in Dallas, Texas. Their children are now the owners. On their website so many people comment that the pizza place was their first job and what a wonderful time they had working there. I'm sure these teens will say the same about you and the family.

  3. You guys are amazing. Hey, if i could be there to help, i would be happy to. But i am positive things will go smoothly with you and,Sue at the helm. Good job!!

  4. Brenda Gerrard11 May 2024 at 18:56

    Loved everything about this story tonight!! Have a great weekend ❤️


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