Thursday 7 November 2019

A Couple of Projects

Because we are some of the early arrivals here at the park, there are some things that need to be done to get ready for the crowds.  Jolynn and Brian who lead us down here, are very involved in the activities of the park so there are lots of things to do to help them out.  Steve and Julie are involved as well and Steve set up a beach clean up for this morning.  Our part of beach is sort of secluded from the rest by the rock that the park is situated on so park people are the only ones that use this beach.  There is lots of debris that washes up over the summer and a fair bit of drift wood so we cleaned that all up.  We had a dozen people show up which made the job go quickly.  Thanks everyone!!|

After the beach cleanup Steve, Harold, Jolynn, Brian and I headed over to the Bodega across the street where all of the stuff for the bar is stored.  Our job was to get it out of the storage and bring it all back to the park.  It was getting close to 10 am so the temperature was rising fast so we hurried as best we could.

As soon as we got that job done we were in our swim suits and in the pool faster than you could say Jack Sprat!!!   The pool is definitely our saving grace.

Just a tree I spotted outside the pool!!   From now on I will call it the hugging tree.

The girls went to the La Penita Market today just to see what was there. They didn't buy a lot of stuff and were back in the early afternoon.   We enjoyed the pool for a while and then decided to go out for supper.  We drove down to Rincon de Guayabitos and walked up the main tourist street.   Guayabitos is a touristy town and has a few all inclusive Resorts while La Penita is where all the workers at the Resorts live.  They have some neat containers for recycling plastics placed all around.  Only drawback is any of the liquid left in the bottles just drains on the ground which makes for a sticky mess sometimes.

The two towns are only a couple miles apart and I will get some pictures next time we go in the daytime.  Here are a couple of the back street and beach.  Lots of Mexican tourists this time of year. 

Anyway, we found a nice little restaurant called El Rodeo and decided to try it out.  

We got our waiter to take the traditional meal time picture.

We had some supper entertainment by a one man band.  He was actually quite good and did the Sax, guitar, and sang a bit.

The meal was great and here is proof of how much I liked it.  Harold and I had good old Mexican Roast Beef and Yorkshire and he girls had coconut shrimp.  We had apple crisp for desert and each had a cocktail.  And yes Kevin, we paid too much lol.  450 pesos for two of us!!  But it was really good.  

When we got home Charlie was happy to see us.  He is fitting right into our Mexican Adventure and loves to lay on the deck and watch the world go by.   I think he will enjoy some cooler weather though.  Goodnight!


  1. A hugging tree what a great find. Sounds like you are all having a great time. Well except for maybe the heat but it looks like you have a nice pool to take care of that problem. From what you have written I would say you have ended up in a place with some great people to get to know and enjoy spending time with. Enjoy!

  2. That is a cool recycling bin! I'm sure the pool is a welcome relief from the heat. We are getting temps into the mid 30's in Yuma so we can feel your pain ... or heat. The only thing to do is embrace it because we know we will eventually get cooler temps.

  3. Nice of everyone to pitch in to help clean the beach, looks like you are having a great time!

  4. Great way to keep the beach clean. I consider the heat a blessing when you are near water, no? Of course, I'm not there.


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