Monday 4 November 2019

Laundry Day and a little walk

Today we are starting to put our site in order and get set up to live here for a while.  We paid the rent today which is not cheap by any means but that is the price we are prepared to pay to check out the area and get some warm weather.  9800 peso's for a month which includes full hookups but only 20 amp service for electric.  Hey we are by the ocean and 20 steps from the pool.  They have laundry service here as well and a local laundry service picks up your bag in the morning at the office, and by 7 pm it is washed and folded and back on your doorstep.  We had 2 big bags and it cost us 185 pesos.  I doubt we could do it for that in a lavandaria!

While I was there, one of the staff from the park showed me what he caught in the outdoor kitchen.  Because we got here early in the season, lots of stuff has not been cleaned up yet so there are lots of leaves and vegetation that need to be cleaned up and in that stuff is a lot of critters.  For those of you that are scared of spiders, this is one you are justified in being scared of.  The Tarantula!!  Here is the one in the container that he caught.  He said he would let it out for the picture but it might jump and run so I said not to bother.  I found a good picture online and that will suffice.  This guy would be the size of the palm of your hand.  

A little while later as I was walking around I spied an iguana cruising around.  He was about 18 inches long and didn't seem that scared of me.  There are lots of them here in the park.  I wonder if they eat tarantula?

Our friends Steve and Julie have decided to build a little kitchen area for the winter out of wood.  Steve went down town and for about $100 CND, got all the wood to build it.  He will spent the next couple days putting it together.  The lumber is all dimensional so it will be built tough.  I will show the finished product later.

After lunch I went for a little walk to the north along the main highway.  I got to a place that had a brick wall around it but I could see some neat tops of buildings.  Farther down was a big gate and when I looked in I realized it was a cemetery.  The whole thing looked like a little town with lots of brick buildings all painted up and tons and tons of flowers adorning every grave.  They certainly celebrate their deceased differently than we do.  The cost of the graves and the buildings over them must be a lot.  The little buildings all have a comfy area where family can come and visit. 

All decorated for the Day of the Dead celebration this last weekend

Many nice flowers

Like a little village with streets and everything

The little road beside the highway was nothing more than a trail.  It made for a good walking area for everyone and the goats along the way kept the vegetation down.

Because we will be parked in the same spot for the entire time we are here, I have to find a different thing to replace the view out our window.   I guess maybe I will post my favorite picture of the day instead.  Today my favourite picture was the lane leading into the RV park after my dusty hot walk to the cemetery.  Always nice to be home.


  1. While I wouldn't want to run into one while I was out walking that picture of the tarantula made him look all soft and fuzzy ... but I'm glad you left the real one in the bottle!

  2. Eeek! Lorne! You didn't warn me not to look at the next picture......time to pack up and move!
    That's me talking, now I'll be goosebumpy all day!
    Glad you are enjoying life there. :)


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