Saturday 26 January 2019

The Vomotron!!

Today was a lot cooler.  There is storm a brewin me thinks.  The clouds are heavy grey and they are forecasting lots of rain for the next couple days.  Gary and Jean were in Saint Cloud this morning so they bought donuts for us all again.  They were so yummy, thanks guys!!  We may not get morning happy hour for a couple days.

Because it was cool out today, Sue and I went driving.  We went to Disney World to check out Fort Wilderness and see where we have to go on Monday when we will camp there for a few days.  We will save the pictures of that until we arrive there on Monday.

Once our tour was over, we looked for a bite to eat.  Checkers has a special deal.  2 burgers, fries and a small drink for $3.50.  The bonus was that right beside the Checkers was an amusement park which was a part of old town Orlando.  We watched the Vomitron while we had lunch.   LOL

Based on what I read this is how the Vomotron came to be.  In the 1960's President Kennedy set NASA a task to put the first man on the moon.  The astronauts had to undergo a vigorous training program to prepare them for the rigors of outer space.  NASA built machines which placed the astronauts bodies under extreme pressure.  The force exerted on them could literally blow your mind.

The astronauts coped well with most machines, however there was one machine which struck terror in to all their hearts.  This machine!  In 2003 this park was tasked with finding a machine to scare the hell out of its customers so the Vomotron was put into service.  It is 200 ft. high and you reach speeds of up to 70 mph going forwards and then backwards. Ride it if you dare. I would love to be able to ride it!!

The other ride we saw was the sling shot.  I didn't get much of a picture of it but if you look under the flag, there is the seat thingy with a couple screaming people in it.  Wow was it high!!

They tried to convince us that even us old folk could handle it, but no way Jose!!

We had a fun day and ended it in Brian's new screen tent for a get together.  It was nice in there with the flaps closed to keep out the cool breeze, and there was room for 8 or 10 people at a time.

The view out our window shows lots of hunters across the road from us.  The hunters move in for the weekends and then they all leave on Sunday afternoon, I guess so they can go back to work.


  1. Those food prices sounded reasonable.
    We realized a few years ago we can't do the amusement rides like we used to. Good Luck trying.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  2. You won't catch me on those rides!!!


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